The next tome of the General Catalog is in the works. It will deal with the following types of works created between 1988 and 1994: Mappa, Tutto, Large Embroideries, Biro, Aerei ( Planes), Kilims and Carpets. We reauest collectors of these works and of this period to contact the Archive in case the works are not registered in our archive. For all communications, please write to

The next periodic expert sessions will take place at the beginning of october 2024 at the Alighiero Boetti archive. The expert session is limited, once this number is reached no other requests are accepted and automatically they are included in the next available expert session. In any case, the date is communicated to each collector personally by the Archive after all the required and complete documentation has been sent by post to the Archive.(As indicated on our site at "archiving", "how to proceed") For information on the authentications of the works, see the sections Authentication and Faq.
So I realized that we have enormous power in our hands:
which is to invent the world, to bring the world to the world.
The Etruscans were right to make the blue leaves:
painting a blue leaf is an act of invention of the world,
since the green leaf already exists as such in the realm of things e
it would be less interesting as a representation.

Alighiero Boetti