
Contact the Archive via info@archivioalighieroboetti.it and send an image of the work and its data. The Archive will then contact you.

The duplicates of certificates are EXCEPTIONALLY issued for works not yet published in the General Catalog and only on the basis of a declaration of loss of the original certificate. (report to be returned to the Archives in original).
Furthermore, new photographic documentation is required.
The cost of a duplicate is 650 € + VAT.
The Archive issues duplicates of certificates every six months.

For technical / scientific information or verifications concerning certificates or works already submitted to expertise and / or archived, the request must be sent via e-mail (info@archivioalighieroboetti.it) and the reply will be formulated two weeks after date of sending.
In the case of request for “Certificate Verification”, it is mandatory to send the original to the Archives by registered letter with return receipt or by courier (in this case a letter of receipt will be filled out).
The original certificates, which must always be accompanied by a certificate verification request and an image also in low resolution of the front of the work itself, will be retained in the Research Archive for about two weeks and sent back by registered letter with return receipt. outcome.
The interested parties are invited to take note of the fact that only the inspection of the original work and certificate can guarantee a complete check.
It will therefore be advisable to check the correspondence between the images and the work with the necessary competence and attention.

The Archive requires images in high resolution (jpg or tiff format – resolution of at least 300 dpi) on CD or DVD support and photographic prints in order to issue the certificate.
Each image must reproduce the work in its entirety without clipping along the perimeter to ensure the best reading of the work.
The photos must be made by a professional photographer.
Good photographic documentation is essential for the study of the work, for the individualization of the work and for publication in the General Catalogue.
The photo of the back of the work, unfortunately often “neglected” by the owners, is extremely important. Very important data may be present on the back of a work (for any type of work).
If the photographic documentation of the work, sent to the Archive, is more than ten years old, the owners are asked to send new images of the work, given the strong technological progress linked to photography (a high definition photo 15 years ago is now considered as a low definition).
If the work has necessitated a restoration or if the work has changed or deteriorated over time (colors), the owners are asked to send new images of the work.

The opinions issued by the Archive are understood to be based on the historical-critical knowledge that exists and can therefore be reviewed at the discretion of the Archive in the light of further elements of assessment.
In the event that a data entered on the work certificate has been modified by the Archive, the certificate may, at the request of the owner of the work, be replaced free of charge.

In no case the sending of a technical or other material, related to a work commits the Archive to proceed with the examination of the work, therefore archiving and certification. The owners of the works must clearly initiate a filing request and submit their work to an appraisal session to obtain the certificate of authenticity. Only by following this procedure, the work, if it is authentic, will be published in the Catalogue Raisonné.

In the event that a work is already published in one of the tomes of the Catalogue Raisonné, the Archive can issue a certificate. In this case, the procedure for starting the certification request must be followed.

In the event that a work is already  certificated and published in one of the tomes of the Catalogue Raisonné, the Archive can issue a duplicate. In this case, the procedure for a duplicate request must be followed.

The publication of the General Catalog includes several volumes, two of which are updated. The dates of their publication are not yet known.

The Archive can give you contacts of restorers (different for each type of works) to which it has already entrusted Boetti’s works to be restored. In the event that the restorations were carried out without informing the Archive, the owners are asked to send new images of the work.
