November 15, 2017
Second tome
November 16, 2017

First tome


EDITED BY: Archivio Alighiero Boetti
SCIENTIFIC DIRECTION: Jean Christophe Ammann
PAGES: 376
RELEASE DATE: december 2009


The catalog is on sale at the Archive. For information: info@archivioalighieroboetti.it

In the series of general catalogs and reasoned of the great artists, Electa publishes the first of four volumes of the complete works of Alighiero Boetti, dedicated to works created between 1961 and 1971.

The catalog, curated by the under the direction of Jean-Christophe Ammann and the support of the scientific committee of Achille Bonito Oliva, Laura Cherubini, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev and Giorgio Verzotti, is just the beginning of a work to systematize the full and wide production of Boetti.

This first volume is an invaluable reference tool, a code to decipher the mechanisms of conceptual artistic career of Boetti. In addition to the introductory essay by J. C. Ammann, who proposes an innovative interpretation of the work boettiana, there is a detailed chronology general by Annemarie Sauzeau (“Works and Days”) full of images, some of which, the artist’s life and available through the references present in the tabs of the individual works, belonging not only to the first volume, but also to the next. Finally the devices contain the updated bibliography and history of all the exhibits.
The first volume will do so as a pivot for the consultation of the other three. The second volume, scheduled for 2012, will be dedicated to the works of the years 1972 to 1979, the third and the fourth volume will be for the years 1980-1985 and 1986-1994.

This publication states, finally, the collaboration between the Archive Alighiero Boetti Alighiero e Boetti and the Foundation, the first dedicated precisely to the cataloging, the second and the promotion of the works of the artist.

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